Electrical Installation Condition Reports

With the recent changes in legislation, as a landlord, you are now required to ensure that the electrical installation within your rental property, is fit for purpose, and safe for your tenants to use.
We welcome this change as we have seen some shocking neglect and disregard for electrical safety in rental properties over the years. Now the unscrupulous landlords, that put tenants at risk, are being forced to bring their properties up to standard.
A good reputation can take years to build, yet be destroyed in an instant. We can help ensure that you property portfolio is regularly inspected and tested with a pragmatic approach. For dwellings, generally a test every 5yrs and on new occupancy will help to ensure that you have met the requirements. New occupancy inspection and testing is particularly important as this will identify if the previous tenants have altered the installation or used it otherwise in accordance with its design.
If you require a Landlord Certificate or wish to discuss your needs further, please get in touch and we will do everything we can to help.